Consulting and advisory

Project feasibility studies

For many organisations, environmental credit projects are a new undertaking. Canopy works with clients to develop an understanding of the financial and technical feasibility of environmental credit projects based on an organisation’s specific needs and preferences.

We recognise that organisations often want more than just a volume of credits secured by a specific time, and may have preferences for project locations, social outcomes and other environmental benefits.

We can work with you on undertaking rapid pre-feasibility assessments, through to detailed feasibility studies that support a final investment decision. We can explore the risk and cost profiles for undertaking a project at a property scale, multiple property scale, and regional scale. We can also work with you to identify and explain key issues to allow you to de-risk a potential project and assess its merits in order to implement a viable and compliant project.

Implementation plans

The complexity of environmental credit standards, methods, associated rules and regulations can be daunting for an enterprise starting out on its first project, whether it be for carbon, water quality or biodiversity credits. We can help you navigate the implementation of your project. 

Canopy has undertaken many projects and fully understands the activities and sequencing required to implement a successful and compliant project. We can develop implementation plans for your project to guide you through the process, starting from project registration through to credit issuance.

Project monitoring, reporting and credit issuance

Canopy can provide expert advice and end-to-end project management for clients who wish to develop and run their own environmental credit projects. This includes project registration, reporting, management of auditors and ongoing issuance of credits, always ensuring compliance with industry standards and methods. The term of engagement can vary from annually, 5-yearly or for the life of the project.